Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Home Bound!

That's right LUH readers, I am coming home. I have taken a new position with Loblaws Companies Ltd. as a loss Prevention manager for the Eastern Ontario Region. Pay is good and benefits are awesome, and best of all, the stores are local enough that I can sleep in my own damn bed every night!

It has been a challenge to be up in Ottawa all this time, and I can honestly say, I have had enough shit and abuse I can take from the Capitol Region. Even though I am nervous about making my first arrest, and concerned that the pay cut might put me back in the hole, I am very happy with the decision I have made concerning my career change. My children and the Myth Man need me now more than ever, and I need to be home for personal peace of mind.

Who knows what the future will bring; December 4th brings an interview with the Ontario Power Generation for a Security Advisor. All fingers, toes, and limbs crossed for that one, but for the time being, I will enjoy my time with my family, and maybe catch up with a few friends