Friday, September 15, 2006

Two Ships Passing in the...Night?

Well, as some of you already know, I now employed by Environment Canada as an NCR Security Administrator. I work in the Minister's office in Gatineau, QC. While it is a great job and a wonderful opportunity, I am forced to be away from my family from M-F, and that truly sucks. Shane has recently enrolled in the Advertising Program at Loyalist College, and I couldn't be more proud. We are both on our way to becoming "working professionals"...scary thought. I miss Shane and the kids so much that I go a little insane at times, and unfortunately Shane gets the brunt of most of it. He takes it all in stride, and for that I am thankful. Wedding plans are on hold until further notice, but are still in the works. Once life slows down a bit, I'm sure we will live happily ever after, but for now we remain at an "intersection".

Secret Agent Owen

This is my favorite picture in the whole world, and I just had to share it with everyone. This is my little guy, Owen, having a blast with Aunt Leona's camera. The kids never miss a chance to experiment with all the cool stuff Aunt Leona brings on her visits. Thanks to "AL", this picture will now serve as an everlasting example of Owen's artistic abilities...this, and the life size blue-marker shark he drew underneath Ethan's bunk bed! Ah, the Owenator!

Entering the blogging revolution!

Hey there all,

I am now an official blogger! Some say it is healing, some say it will stimulate my creativeness; whatever it stimulates, it gives me an outlet to "communicate" with my friends and family, which is long overdue. I hope to give you all insight into the life and times of "T", so you all may laugh a little, cry a little, and remember who the hell I am!!!
