Friday, September 15, 2006

Two Ships Passing in the...Night?

Well, as some of you already know, I now employed by Environment Canada as an NCR Security Administrator. I work in the Minister's office in Gatineau, QC. While it is a great job and a wonderful opportunity, I am forced to be away from my family from M-F, and that truly sucks. Shane has recently enrolled in the Advertising Program at Loyalist College, and I couldn't be more proud. We are both on our way to becoming "working professionals"...scary thought. I miss Shane and the kids so much that I go a little insane at times, and unfortunately Shane gets the brunt of most of it. He takes it all in stride, and for that I am thankful. Wedding plans are on hold until further notice, but are still in the works. Once life slows down a bit, I'm sure we will live happily ever after, but for now we remain at an "intersection".

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