Monday, September 18, 2006

Aunt Leona; Photographer Extraordinaire!

Thanks to A.L., LUH now has many photos to share with all it's members. She has graciously provided a few links to cherished moments in time for the Thompson/Woodward family. Feel free to click away, and enjoy the kids as I do every moment I get. Thanks Ohnut!

News on the baby front; Trystin Hazel Alexandra Nasralla (girl) was born on September 1st weighing in at a little more than 4 lbs. Early, she came into this world with a head of black hair and a nose like her daddy. Trelaine and Wafik are doing great, and T#4 is already home. Finally, a baby I can cuddle and give to someone else when it poops!

Mother Thompson is doing great and in KGH recovering well. They are sure that they were able to remove all of the cancer, and even though we "lost her to light for a while", she seems to be in good humour. She claims she saw Duke, and he looks happy and well...Yep, that's my mother! Thanks everyone for all your support and kind words these past few weeks. It has meant a great deal. A great big shout out to the Myth man, cause without him I would be in a nice white coat somewhere with paded walls!!! And for all of you I have not seen in EONS...I'm working my way through the phone book; Stand by!

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