Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Scientific Progress Goes 'Boink'

Life in the fast lane sucks. I am writing now because, as I had mentioned before, this is supposed to be healing of sorts. Well, hello blogger, I need a cure. While working in Ottawa/Gatineau is challenging and rewarding, there are just some things, that at this time, seem too important to miss. School Fun Fairs, Dentist appointments, quiet nights in front of the fire, SLEEPING IN MY OWN BED!!!

I am torn between success and reality; it sucks. I have said in the past that I would live in a box, if it meant not losing Myth and my babies; why is it so hard to make that jump into cardboard utopia? I am finally at the top of my career game for once in my life, and it does not matter in the long run. Am I crazy for wanting to let it go?

I am tired of the city, I am tired of the people, I am tired of the traveling. I have not spoken to most of my friends in a year, and I have guilt. My life is in a worm hole, and I'm looking for an exit. What I am afraid of is my exit will be a place with no one around to join in my adventure. My crew is suffering, and I think it is time for me to take some shore leave. Captain, she can't take much more of this; her injection coils are over heating, and I think she's going to blow!

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