Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Do you ever think about the future?

What do you see? ...A nicer home, a new car, more money, travel?

What about personal accomplishments?

...A new career, awards won, political achievments?

What is on your canvas when you paint a picture of future years to come?

If it were only that simple. To put all of your hopes and dreams into one pretty picture that encompasses everything you want out of life. If you would have asked me what I saw in my future 6 years ago, I would have told you a much different version than I would have 2 years ago, or even today. The truth is, the here and now is not that bad; I have unconditional love, health, "financial stability" (if there is even such a thing), passion, family, friends, hobbies, and most of all a partner to share it with.

I'm told on a regular basis "don't sweat the small stuff". What the hell does that mean? What seems minor to some, could be a huge deal to others. Take for instance, me not being home throughout the week; family and friends share that they do not agree with this decision, and that it is not conducive to my personal responsibilities, but those on the "outside" see it as a necessary evil in the big world we live in. Go or stay; the answer ever so elusive...

In just a few short months I will have made this sacrifice for almost a year. How do I feel about that? ...I don't.

1 comment:

T.J.P.T. said...

8 more years to go my friend...can't wait!