Saturday, January 26, 2008

Back In The "Saddle" Again!

Howdy y'all. Big T" is back; with a vengeance! It has been just over a year, and life has brought many changes. The Myth man and I now reside in the metropolis of BelleVegas. We have a 3 level condo, and it is wonderful. A lot less rooms to clean, and an only 12'x12' yard means not taking 3 days to cut the lawn. The two 12's are adjusting well to their new school, and coming up quickly to being teenage twits...just kidding!

Shane is in his last year of College, and has carried out his master plan to overthrow my rule of Loyalist College. Three scholarships, an on campus job, and a 92% avg later, he is well on his way to success in the advertising world. His internship is next, and I hope he gets that big opportunity that I once had...doors will open, I am sure of that.

As for me? Well, life handed me lemons, and I made a chiffon cake! To start from the beginning, or at least where I left off, OPG did not pan out (four interviews later!!!), and I found myself completely dissatisfied with arresting 72 year old men for stealing cat food and bulk candy. Four months of self loathing later, I landed my derriere in a very familiar place; a call centre, or as I like to call it , a "Communications Group". Teletech for short. Meh; the pay is good, the people are great, and the hours give me the chance to be home with my family, which was the conundrum in the first place, right? I have many responsibilities there, and often get the chance to prove that even the smartest of individuals can come off looking like idiots if they try hard support; enough said.

This new year will, I hope, bring even more change to the Thompson/Woodward Dynasty. We shall see what becomes of me and my brood in 2008, but rest assured, I will try to keep everyone up to speed with the twist and turns that life brings my way. The family circus remains intact and ready for whatever comes, and for that I am truly thankful.

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